Hoping for my dream to come true…

Belleville, NJ (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Hoping for my dream to come true…

by Irene Frangos

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $18,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $18,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Belleville, NJ (US)

Irene Frangos is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi there,
My name is Irene. I am a 44 year old female that is trying to have my first child together with my wife, Michelle.

I have gone hrough the IVF process with the hopes that I would be able to create enough eggs to conceive on my own.

Sadly, on December 23rd, I was told that it wasn’t possible as none of my eggs had survived the process. Due to my age, while possible, the odds are quite low and continually trying the process statistically would prove futile.

Needless to say, I was crestfallen. I’m pretty strong emotionally, but that ripped my heart out of my chest. It was a rough Christmas, 44th Birthday (12/26), and New Year for us all.

I became very emotional as I am seeing my opportunity dwindle and it truly has altered my outlook and disposition. This is a very large part as to why I am here today. To turn this around and make a negative into a positive.

Let me start from the beginning to provide a little insight into me and my world. I grew up living with my mother. She was a single mother with three children. My father was absent for over 25 years.

As such, I watched my mother struggle and hustle to raise us. She bestowed and instilled this incredible work ethic into me.
As the years went by, I knew that my goal in life was to hustle, but for different reasons. My hustle came from a passion that grew within me to not ever have to struggle. My hope was that I would not have to heavily rely on others so that I can be “prepared” for all that life threw at me. I wanted to wait to bear my first child. I waited until I had a career, a marriage, and some level of a savings account.

Throughout all that waiting though, was the constant awareness that my biological clock ticking, to paraphrase a well known line from a movie.

I had unfortunately spent too much time trying to be “ready” to welcome a child into what I thought would be a better world. There is no right time or perfect time. It is a major misconception that I fell into during my early adulthood up until half a year ago.

I want a child. I want it more than anything else in this world. I want to feel, connect, bond, and create a special little being to call my own. I know and realize all the other options, and while they are viable, I truly would love to create one within me.

I NEED to try again. I had balanced my earnings enough to try for IVF, as IUI isn’t recommended for me based on my age. This however, is an INCREDIBLY expensive process. While I have medical insurance with my job, it covers ZERO sort of payments on the IVF or the Medication.

Due to my age, we are now looking into Reciprocal IVF (co-maternity).

My wife is 38 years old. She is the proud mama of a 15 year old biological son. I have shared the raising of him for the last 7.5 years. While I cherish being Mom 2, (my title and what he calls me) I still long to have my own child. In my heart and soul, this teenage young man is my own. But, in reality and hindsight, I still missed so many things and moments. His growth within, his birth, first tooth, first step, first word, first day of school, etc.

She had a normal pregnancy and we are hoping that I can use her eggs and transplant then transplant the embryo into me to carry.

As we embark on our new IVF journey, we are realizing that this will put us into an incredible bind. We spent $18,000+ out-of-pocket on the first round, and are looking at ANOTHER $18,000+ for this process as well, as it now involves the two of us.

However, despite the costs, I have to try again. I cannot go through the rest of my life living with the “what if.” I need to at least try again and give it a valiant effort.

What’s meant to be, is meant to be.

I’m looking for a miracle in more ways than one. I’m realistic and optimistic. I hope for much, but am not easily discouraged.

I owe my strength to my mother. She was amazing. She has since passed on, but her spirit remains within me. I am hopeful that if I ever get blessed and am able to bear a child, that I am all of what my mother was.
She truly was my inspiration.

With that resiliency, hope, and courage,
I found may way here to Gift of Parenthood.

Every day, week, and hour make a difference now. The time is NOW…or never.

Thank you for reading my story.
I ask for you to just keep me in your thoughts. Any well wishes and good karma sent my way are appreciated.

Be Healthy & Stay Safe!

Irene & Michelle